Light Activation Healing

I am a certified practitioner in Light Activation Healing System level I & II.
This is a unique and highly accelerated healing modality.
— Rochelle Peak

What is Light Activation Healing?

We are all born with the ability to be in complete health and harmony, and as One with the Universe. Through the years due to stress or life issues, our connections can weaken. Bringing yourself back to an optimum state of health brings more benefits than you can imagine. Release all that no longer serves you, and replenish and revitalize your body, mind, and soul. Whether you are healthy or experiencing illness, Light Activation is your start to being your authentic self.

These sessions are not just for adults. I have worked with children and teens ranging from the ages of 4-17 years old. I have had profound changes that occur working with this age group with Light Activation Healing sessions. Children of all ages respond to Light Activation.

In your 45 minutes session my goal is to identify:

  • Weakened energy

  • Blocks

  • Misleading beliefs

  • Harmful habits of your ego

  • Past lives that are holding you back

Some Common Benefits Reported with Light Activation Healing Sessions:

  • Higher awareness

  • Deeper spiritual connection

  • Expansion of consciousness

  • Heightened intuition and psychic abilities

  • Sense of deep inner peace and harmony

  • Increased energy and vitality

  • Clearing of stagnant energy

  • Emotional releases

  • Cellular memory clearing and upgrade

  • Detoxification

  • Resolution or assistance with various mental disorders such as: depression, ADD, ADHD, bi-polar, and more

  • Physical healing at many levels and of all types

I will channel guidance for you to achieve your highest level of wellness.

This therapy can be used to treat various of behaviors:

Phobias Bulimia Obesity Fears

Low self-esteem Obsessive Insecurities

Compulsive disorders Sadness Complexes

Allergies Anxiety Migraines Addiction

Anorexia Bad dreams Restlessness

List of Things to Heal During Body Scan:

Removal of entities or portals Dental health Vision problems

Age regress 10 years Issues with auric field Disease

Misaligned chakras Negative cords Disorders

Negative implants or hooks Fragmented soul Illnesses

Contracts/trauma from current/past life

Begin with Healing Light Activation Pricing

Light Activation Healing Sessions are 45 minutes in length.  The sessions can be performed in person or remotely – either option is equally effective.  
Five sessions are recommended for maximum benefit. Sessions should be scheduled approximately 14 days apart. Once five sessions are complete tune-up sessions can be offered.

Light Activation Healing

45 minutes and 15 minutes briefing
Follow-up email with information from the session.

Contact Rochelle to Begin with Healing today.